A true-life horror story rooted at the end of World War II. Two Japanese soldiers struggle to make it through a deadly island swamp as the dark sins of their less honorable Japanese soldier comrades come back to extract their bloody revenge.
Based on a true story about two Japanese soldiers looking for redemption enter the swamps of Ramree Island along with the rest of their garrison. There they encounter one of the planet's deadliest predators. Meanwhile, the British allies attempt to maneuver to cut them off before they reach their fellow soldiers.
Takahiro and Yabu are struggling to make it out of the Ramree swamp alive. A deadly crocodile awaits in front of them; the remaining Japanese troops (lead by their blood thirsty commanding officer) are behind them. The ghosts of Nanking have truly come to collect their due. And even if the two friends make it out, what awaits them on the other side?